Blue Ocean Comedy

Blue Ocean Comedy

If you're not familiar with Blue Ocean Strategy and are too lazy to click on that link — here's ChatGPT's take: 

Alright, imagine you're at the beach, and you have two choices for where to swim. One area is packed with people, all splashing around and taking up space. This is like most businesses fighting over customers; it's crowded and competitive, which we can call the "Red Ocean" because they're all fighting so much it's like a battle.

Now, imagine there's another part of the beach that's calm and empty. It's beautiful, peaceful, and there's plenty of room to swim and play. This is the "Blue Ocean." In business, a Blue Ocean Strategy means finding a new, open space where there aren't any fights over customers because it's a new idea or market that nobody else is in yet. Instead of fighting over the same customers, you create a new space where you can be alone without competition, making your own rules and having fun without the crowd.

I even asked ChatGPT to make it more relatable for us comedians: 

Imagine you're a comedian not just looking for a place to perform, but also new ways to share your jokes and stories. Most comedians might stick to traditional stages like comedy clubs or TV shows, where it's really crowded and everyone is vying for the same audience's attention. This is like being at a big, noisy party where everyone is trying to tell their joke louder than the others. We can call this the "Red Microphone" because it's a tough battle to get noticed and make people laugh.

Now, think about exploring completely new ways to reach your audience, like starting your own YouTube channel, creating a podcast, or using social media platforms in a way no one else has thought of before. This is like finding a "Blue Microphone." In comedy, a Blue Microphone Strategy means discovering fresh, creative channels to share your humor, where there's less competition and you can truly stand out.

Instead of shouting over others in crowded spaces, you're inviting people into a new experience, whether it's through hilarious tweets, engaging Instagram stories, unique YouTube sketches, or podcasts that mix comedy with interesting conversations. It's about making people laugh where they least expect it, turning everyday digital spaces into stages where your comedy can shine. This way, you're not just another voice in the crowd; you're leading a whole new parade of laughter, reaching audiences directly in their homes, cars, or anywhere they go with their smartphones. It's about being where your audience is, in a way that's uniquely you, without the traditional competition for a spot on the stage.

Most comedians approach the stage for one reason and one reason only to make the audience laugh. After years of grinding through open mic hell and the club system, there comes a fork in the road where you're either going to pursue this as a career or you're not. 

This post is for anyone who wants to start laying down the foundation for a long-term comedy career. The phrase "it's not a sprint, it's a marathon" works here. Because, yeah, that. 

Don't know where to start? Start by being different.

  • Different in your act and comedic voice 
  • Different in your booking strategy 
  • Different in your digital offerings 
  • Different in your marketing 
  • Different in your merch 

This is why I'm bringing up Blue Ocean Strategy. Because business talk is boring and comedians are engaging in more exciting conversations like who can eat the most tacos or how to adapt to the upcoming alien invasion. 

Three main differentiators to consider and apply to your own career and convictions:

  • Early Brand Building: Carve out a unique identity and brand for yourself and start now. A great example of a comedian doing this with his stage persona is Casey Rocket and a great example of a comedian doing this with alternative formats is Kyle Dunnigan. Get in the habit now of innovating and venturing into untapped markets or platforms. Create a distinct voice that attracts a dedicated audience. Foster loyalty and recognition. 
  • Broader Audience Reach: By exploring new platforms and mediums beyond the conventional comedy channels, you can tap into diverse audiences that were previously unreachable. Digital spaces, unconventional venues, and unique content formats enable comedians to break geographical and demographic barriers, significantly expanding their fan base. The future is pretty cool, right? 
  • Sustainable Career Growth: The entertainment landscape changes FAST. Be adaptable. Be resilient. It's the comedians who innovate and diversify their offerings that better position themselves to navigate industry shifts, technological advancements, and changing audience preferences.  The goal here is long-term relevance and success in your career. Not flash-in-the-pan milestones that give your bragging rights on Facebook. 

This is for the comedian starting out, the comedian in the thick of it, the comedian who thinks they missed the boat. The truth about learning is you don't know what you don't know. Take the time to learn about these things that directly help you in the long term but learn at your pace. Use ChatGPT as a useful tool. Ask it questions. Be curious as fuck.

It's cool if you have a long learning curve ahead but it's not cool if you opt out of learning and avoid the professional growth altogether. The higher the risk, the greater the reward. This is a great time to start getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

Don't rob yourself of a rewarding career and don't rob comedy fans of discovering their next favourite comedian. 

It's all hard but it's also worth it. 

Good luck out there and keep eating shit.

It's the best way to learn. 

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